Bench & Bar of Minnesota

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February 2020 

02-03-2020 08:46 AM

In the February digital edition of Bench & Bar: Michael Boulette on why Minnesota should make it easier for lawyers to take parental leave; Tom Tinkham and Kate Johnson offer a valuable primer on conducting e-discovery without the endless battles that usually accompany the process; Inti Martinez-Aleman argues that Minnesota should join the jurisdictions that make it simpler for foreign-trained lawyers to be licensed in the state; and—only in B&B Digital—Sheila Engelmeier and Heather Tabery offer a lengthy and authoritative review of the “severe or pervasive” standard for assessing sexual harassment claims that courts in Minnesota and the 8th Circuit continue to apply. Columns: MSBA President Tom Nelson on the centennial anniversary of the 1920 Duluth lynchings; OLPR Director Susan Humiston reviews public attorney discipline in the state in 2019.

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