Data Security & Redaction: Client Data Security in the Legal Industry

When:  Jul 30, 2019 from 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM (CT)

Client-led audits are becoming more frequent as cyber-attacks increase, forcing firms to ensure they are doing everything in their power to protect client data. Find out what the top three areas of cyber threat concerns are in the legal industry and how WikiLocks can solve challenges with preserving sacrosanct privileges, defeating waiver arguments, protection order monitoring and compliance and protection of confidential client information.


Presenter: Mark Sterle, Director of Sales, Security and Content Encryption, North American Marketplace

Mark is very passionate about cyber security and is a “cyber security evangelist”, particularly for the legal industry. He is leading the charge for WikiLocks, which is a unique content security and redaction management solution for the legal sector. When he’s not busy assisting firms with protecting them from cyber-attacks and data breaches, he enjoys spending time with his 5 year old daughter and wife of 8 years, playing jazz and blues saxophone, wine tastings and golf.

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