
Copy That: How to Manage Law Firm Data Backup

By Mary Warner posted 02-06-2024 08:00 AM


This post is from attorney Jared Correia, owner of Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, one of MSBA's Advantage Partners.


It can’t happen to you until it does. 


I’m talking about the business disaster that could strike your law firm at any moment: flood, fire, data breach, device breakdown, smoke damage, truck carrying 30,000 pounds of bananas careening out of control . . . Well, you get the picture. 


Because any law firm could be struck by disaster, every law firm should develop and maintain a disaster recovery program. The primary component of any disaster recovery program in a cloud-based world is an effective data backup program. 


So, here’s what you need: 



And you’ll need both, in case one fails. 


Make sure to test your backup, as well. You don’t want to be trying to recover your data for the first time in an actual disaster. 



. . . 


Could your law firm recover from a disaster? If not, you need to talk to us. 


The Minnesota State Bar Association offers DISCOUNTED law practice management consulting services through Red Cave Law Firm Consulting.                                                


To request a consult, email Jared Correia at, and start running your law firm like a business. 

