
The top 10 billing practices of successful law firms

By Mary Warner posted 06-05-2023 09:02 AM


The following article is courtesy of MONESQ, a legal payment platform that is one of MSBA's Advantage Partners. Check out MONESQ's exclusive offer for MSBA members here

The top 10 billing practices of successful law firms

Billing practices and technologies are critical to running a successful law firm. Law firm billing approaches can impact the firm's profitability and reputation. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 billing practices used by successful law firms.

1.   Clear and Transparent Fee Agreements

Successful law firms understand the importance of clear and transparent fee agreements. They ensure that clients understand what they are paying for, how much they will be charged, and when they will be billed. A clear fee agreement establishes trust between the client and the firm, which is crucial for building long-term relationships. 

2.  Detailed Invoices

Successful law firms provide detailed invoices that clearly outline the services provided, the time spent on each task, and the associated costs. This level of detail helps clients understand what they are paying for and can reduce disputes over fees.

3.  Regular Billing

Regular billing is another important billing practice used by successful law firms. Regular billing ensures that clients are aware of their ongoing costs and allows them to manage their budgets more effectively.

4.  Alternative Fee Arrangements

Alternative fee arrangements are becoming increasingly popular in the legal industry. Successful law firms offer a variety of fee structures, including flat fees, contingency fees, and hybrid models, to meet the needs of different clients.

5.  Detailed Time Tracking

Detailed time tracking is essential for accurate billing. Successful law firms use time tracking software to record the time spent on each task, ensuring that clients are charged only for the work performed.  For flat fee billing arrangements, tracking time enables the firm to evaluate the profitability of their flat fee matters.

6. Budgets and Estimates

Budgets and estimates can help clients manage their costs and reduce the risk of unexpected fees. Successful law firms provide clients with realistic budgets and estimates, and they communicate regularly to ensure that clients are aware of budget variances.

7.  Dispute Resolution Procedures

Despite best efforts, disputes over fees can still arise. Successful law firms have clear dispute resolution procedures in place to resolve these issues quickly and amicably.

8.  Collection Procedures

Successful law firms have robust collection procedures in place to ensure that they are paid promptly for their services.

9.  Use of Technology

Technology can be a powerful tool for improving billing practices. There are several billing software options available that offer the ability to track time spent on tasks, generate invoices, and manage accounts receivable. MONESQ®, a newer entry into the legal payment industry, provides firms with the ability to support alternate fee structures, track time and expenses, streamline invoicing and payments, create payment plans, manage trust accounts, and integrate with select accounting systems. 

10.  Regular Review and Evaluation

Finally, successful law firms regularly review and evaluate their billing practices to identify areas for improvement. They use client feedback and data analysis to refine their billing practices and ensure that they remain competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

Successful law firms understand the importance of clear and transparent fee agreements, detailed invoices, regular billing, alternative fee arrangements, technology, detailed time tracking, budgets and estimates, dispute resolution procedures, collection procedures, and regular review and evaluation. However, when evaluating billing practices and software, firms must also consider their unique business objectives, processes, and client preferences. By implementing effective billing practices, law firms can build strong relationships with their clients while maximizing their profitability.

